Monday, April 27, 2009

She's All That: Images

This image is the movie poster for "She's All That." It captures two very good looking people, a marketing strategy that draws in the crowd (for who doesn't like to look at pretty people?) It shows the male lead to be so clearly taken by the female lead, while she is made to look as if she's really "all that."

This image is to show how opposite the two main characters are. While Laney is clearly shown to be a geek (she even works at a job that requires her to wear a burrito(?) on her head), Zach is portrayed as "Mr. Cool." The biggest cliche in romantic comedy is seen here --- two characters that have nothing in common/initially don't get along or like either other will inevitably become moonstruck with each other.

This image is from the end of the film. It depicts an almost fairy-tale like conclusion to the movie, as if to say that social standing and whatever else gets in the way doesn't matter.

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